The maintenance of your piano is worth the cost, too. That’s why you should always look out for products that come with the full cleaning supports such as key covers. With this, you can always shield the top whenever you’re done using it. You’d still need to clean your piano, either you use this or not.
That’s why you should learn how to clean digital piano keys. Besides, you can use the piece to master how to clean acoustic piano keys also.
It’s salient, however, that you position your digital piano, first, at a place that suits your taste and, second, at a safe place. The areas that are considered safe are parts in your home that are free from constant dust flow.
You wouldn’t want to wake up one morning and see that the keys aren’t as functional as before due to the perpetual fall of dust on them. You wouldn’t even want to save it outdoor, trust me. That’s going to be worst than anything.
Therefore, save it in a calm and safe place. Ensure that you cover the keyboard as a whole immediately after use. You can proceed with other steps.
8 Things to Consider About How to Clean Digital Piano Keys:
1. Get the Requirements
- Some products come with polishing cloths. You might use a clean white cloth instead if no cloth comes with the delivery.
- Get two buckets of water available and fill them half-way with water.
- You’ll need dishwasher soap with decent flavor to achieve the smell and cleanliness you desire.
- Please get another clean petite cloth ready so that you can use it to either wipe the keyboard before cleaning or wipe off the extra dabs of water after cleaning.
- Please put them in a tray with handles on both sides so that you can always move them around quickly.
2. Preparation
- Ensure that you remove the power cord from a power outlet before you start anything.
- Detach any other accessory that you’ve fixed to the piano.
- Use the dry cloth to wipe off the whole exterior part of digital piano.
- Make sure that you doff off the dust each time you wipe off dirt from one phase of the piano.
- You’re to doff off the dust a bit far away from the piano top.
- Ensure that you clean every part of the integument before you proceed with the proper cleaning.
- Drop the cloth and take the one that’s designated for the second cleaning phase.
3. Cleaning of the Keyboard
- Get one of the bowls that’s haphazardly filled with water available. Inject two dab of the dishwasher soap inside it and mix them up until the water becomes soapy afterwards.
- Dip the other cloth in the soapy water and sluice down the water so that you can get it damp.
- Use the damp cloth to wipe off dirt from the top of your piano.
- The first part you’d want to clean is the tabletop before cleaning the beams and the sides. You know why? This is close to the keys. You even tend to often or seldom use this part than any other part of the piano.
- Cleaning in a linear direction is the best way to clean the surfaces faster and lucidly. Ensure you wipe in circular motion whenever you’re cleaning other sides.
4. Cleaning of the Keys
- Ensure that you rinse the cloth whenever it becomes dirty. Don’t forget to remove the water when it has become extremely contaminated to the extent it can’t become foamy anymore.
- Make sure you discreetly wipe off dirt from the top of the keys. Make sure that you insert your hands underneath them so that you can comfortably remove the stains underneath the elevated keys.
- Using a machine to air off dirt from the keys would definitely make your work easier.
- It’s when you’re done that you can use a damp clean cloth to wipe off dirt from the keys, both the top and underneath.
- Endeavor to ensure that the damp cloth is still clean before you use it for wiping off surfaces.
5. How to Control the Activity
Make sure that no water left at the top of the surfaces once you take a wipe down of stains on any of the phases. This would prevent your table from becoming messy.
Apply this caution while cleaning the keys also. This would aid your work to be clean and lucid. Once you’re done, you can switch over the final step.
6. Final Step
Pour out the dirty soapy water and begin to use the clean water. Rinse the cloth in the water and sluice it down so that it can remain damp.
Make sure that you clean it in the same way you did it in the first place with the soapy wet cloth. You can continue by using the dried one to ensure that every nook and cranny of the keyboard is wiped completely.
7. Precautionary Measures
- Make sure that water is not dripping from the top to buttons. You need to be discreet with the cleaning of the buttons and other notable functions.
- Clean the whole part of the keyboard discreetly after you had removed the connected cables.
- You might need to clean the vicinity before you initiate the cleaning of the piano.
- Ensure that you evaluate every section that you clean.
- It’s paramount that you clean it at least once in two weeks.
- If you began to clean it because you notice dysfunction in the keys, then you’d have to get a repairer to get the job done for you.
8. Repetitions
Make sure that you repeat the practices as you clean the unit. You can always be assured that you can use this piece once again.
Final Verdict
That’s how to clean digital piano keys. The simple steps highlighted here are ones that you can rely on always. This would aid you in maintaining the unit so well so that you can have a long-term use of the piano.